Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tips for Bad Guys

1.  Avoid wearing tank tops.  You immediately identify yourself as a bad guy.  Especially do not wear a tank top that is not really a tank top - like a plaid shirt with the arms removed, rendering it a tank top.        2.  Do not wear a shark tooth necklace.  3.  Try not to curse.  4.  Try complimenting someone, even if it's your intended target.  5.  Practice just a regular laugh.  6.  Surround yourself with very few other bad guys - bad guys are just plain bad and are not looking out for you or the team.  7.  Say thank you when someone does something nice for you, please when you want something.  8.  Lose the accent.  9.  Call your mom before your bad guy mission and tell her hey.  10.  If you are traveling abroad for your mission, send a postcard to a friend to let them know you were thinking about them.
Follow these rules and people will just think you are a just a regular guy, but really you are not. You are a bad guy.  

Also, say a third party wants to give you one million dollars for killing someone important.  Obviously that third party is loaded.  Tell the third party, sure whatever and then follow that up with, "Know what might be a good idea? Let's kill debt!" And the bad guy benefactor will most likely say yes.  From here, I will direct you to my Sallie Mae account where you can destroy it with money.  

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